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Privacy and Security

Healthcare operations are transforming with the rapid adoption of electronic medical records and global access to patient records. Ensuring patient privacy and trust is critical. Coupled with rapidly increasing demand for improved patient services, the industry is under pressure to contain costs, improve medical practices and comply with privacy & security regulations.

Proper planning and seamless execution will result in improved workflow, lower operational costs and increased patient safety. Whether it is HIPAA, PIPEDA, the EU Directive or additional regulations in your country, we will partner with you to achieve your compliance and business goals.

Manufacturers Disclosure Statement for Medical Device Security (MDS2)

The Manufacturers Disclosure Statement for Medical Device Security (MDS2) provides customers with HIPAA-related security information about their products
and services.

Regulatory Information Shipping

The information displayed on the Worksheets represents the dangerous goods packaging and documentation requirements for chemical transportation mode(s) and language(s) selected. Please be aware that for a material, modes of transport may differ in their regulatory compliance requirements.


Supplier Expectations
Supplier Expectations

Products supplied to Carestream Health are to be in compliance with national and international regulations.  Suppliers are encouraged to use life cycle thinking to minimize environmental, health, and safety impacts.