BioMax MR Film vs. Other Films

Compare the sensitivity of these Autoradiography Films to BioMax MR Film in detection of low intensity brands.

BioMax MR vs. BioMax XAR Film

  • 2x Increased sensitivity to 35 S, 33 S, 14 C to better detect low intensity bands
  • Single emulsion format for maximum resolution and clarity
  • Shorter Exposure times for 35 S, 33 S, 14 C

BioMax MR vs. "Brand A"
BioMax MR film offers 3 to 4 times increased sensitivity to 35 S to reduce exposure times and more easily detect low intensity bands.

BioMax MR offers:

  • Increased sensitivity
  • Increased Clarity
  • Automated Processing
  • Competetive Pricing

BioMax MR vs. "Brand F"

  • 4x increased sensitivity to 35 S to better detect low intensity bands
  • Clear background improves digital scanning
  • Shorter exposure times