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Diagnostic Reading #29: Five “Must Read” Articles on HIT and Radiology

Reading Time: 3 minutes read

Headlines this week: radiologists’ salary continues to grow; the role of blockchain in teleradiology.

This week’s articles in Diagnostic Reading include: the average salary of radiologists continues to grow; how blockchain can impact radiology; improving ergonomics for radiologic technologists; what young doctors/trainees think of interventional radiology; and how to deal with a malpractice lawsuit.

Radiologists’ average base salary rises 4% to $387K – Health Imaging

The average base salary for radiologists continues to grow and is now at $387,000, up 4.3% from $371,000 in 2017/2018, according to a new report from Merritt Hawkins. Radiologists’ average starting salary is in the middle of the pack in medicine, ranking 11th out of the 22 specialties included in the 2019 Review of Physician and Advanced Practitioner Recruiting Incentives.

3 key ways blockchain could change radiology forever – Radiology Business

Image of Radiologists talking to each other
Radiologists and medical imaging professionals, stay up to date on new developments with Diagnostic Reading.

Blockchain technology is gaining popularity throughout the world and could potentially have a significant impact on the medical imaging industry, according to an analysis published in the Journal of Digital Imaging. This article explains how blockchain works and provides three potential ways it could impact radiology moving forward. Read the related blog on the role of blockchain in teleradiology.

Rad changes – Radiology Today

Radiologic technologists’ work—often revolving around digital imaging and PACS—can lead to repetitive strain injuries. The new digital workplace in radiology presents many challenges. This article discusses how improved ergonomics can help techs stay injury-free. Find more suggestions in our blog; see the section on technological options for personal wellbeing.

Why do trainees lack interest in interventional radiology? – Health Imaging

Interventional radiology (IR) is quickly evolving, but demand for sub-specialists far outweighs the supply. Authors of a recent study published in Clinical Radiology sought to get a better understanding of what foundation (internship) year trainees (FYs) think of IR. According to the researchers, the results are indicative of the poor general knowledge of FYs regarding IR, and highlight that IR is not introduced appropriately to undergraduates.

What to do when facing a medical malpractice lawsuit – Diagnostic Imaging

Radiology is the eighth medical specialty most likely to be faced with a malpractice lawsuit, according to a 2016 Journal of the American College of Radiology study. The issue may be that a radiologist fails in detection or in their interpretation of certain findings. Or, it might be a break-down in how results are communicated from radiologist to referring provider. According to industry experts, there are several steps one should take whether he/she is the only provider named or part of a group of practitioners.

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