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INDUSTREX High Speed HS800 Film

HS800 Film offers our fastest most versatile non-destructive testing film, offering a solution for any exposure method, whether it’s direct, lead screen, fluorescent screen, or fluorometallic screen.


This high speed, fine grain, high contrast film is suitable for a wide range of industrial applications. It is excellent for use with lead screens.


This is our fastest ASTM E1815-96, Type 1 film. It is suitable for use in critical imaging applications and can be used in multiple film loads to provide an extended imaging range.


This very fine grain, very high contrast film is suitable for a wide range of applications requiring excellent sensitivity. It can be used with or without lead screens.


This very fine grain, very high contrast film provides outstanding sharpness. Its excellent sensitivity and low speed make it an excellent choice for critical inspections in a wide range of materials. It can be used with or without lead screens.


FilmThis ultra-fine grain, very high contrast film has outstanding definition and is recommended for highly critical inspection needs with a wide range of materials. This film works well in multiple film techniques