a radiologist holding a tablet

Diagnostic Reading #2: Five “Must Read” Articles on Medical Imaging

Reading Time: 3 minutes read

AR, VR and apps in radiology are in the news this week.

This week’s articles in Diagnostic Reading include: AI mammogram analysis comparable to radiologists; radiology apps to check out in 2020; clinician compliance drops when more imaging is recommended; VR helps calm patients before imaging; and value-based imaging is here to stay.

AI performs well in large-scale breast screening study – AuntMinnie

In a large-scale study that replicated real-world breast screening conditions, an artificial intelligence (AI) algorithm performed well in interpreting mammograms—reducing both false positives and false negatives—according to findings published in Nature. Although this was a research (not clinical) study, AI correctly identified cancers from the images with a similar degree of accuracy to expert radiologists. AI also reduced the proportion of screening errors.

Radiology apps to watch in 2020 – Everything Rad

a radiologist holding a tablet
Medical imaging professionals, stay up to date with new developments in 2020 by subscribing to Everything Rad

Whether you’re looking for an app to help you study for your radiology exams, or one that is FDA-approved to support clinical diagnoses, look no further than consumer app stores and AI marketplaces. Radiologists can find more than 260 Android apps on Google Play and hundreds more in the Apple Store and other operating systems’ app stores.

Clinicians follow musculoskeletal MRI reports less often when further imaging is recommended – Health Imaging 

Clinicians often follow recommendations in musculoskeletal MRI reports, but compliance is lowest when additional imaging is requested. However, more can be done to change this trend, claimed authors of a study published in the American Journal of Roentgenology. Compliance was nearly perfect when clinical intervention was suggested but dipped to 67 percent when a report recommended further imaging—and this could have real-world consequences for patients and clinicians alike.

Virtual reality calms anxious patients ahead of imaging – AuntMinnie Europe 

The French Society of Radiology (SFR) and two other national organizations awarded a virtual reality (VR) startup company that offers medical professionals a way of reducing patient stress and associated medication during interventional radiology techniques. The software program combines VR with hypnosis and is gaining ground across France, Belgium and Switzerland.

‘The days of unfettered wholesale imaging are over,’ radiology expert says – Radiology Business 

Radiologists holding out hope for a return to the days of unchecked imaging studies, with no regard to value for the patient, are more than likely going to be disappointed, declared Ruth Carlos, MD, Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of the American College of Radiology and Professor of Radiology at the University of Michigan. Value-based imaging is here to stay, noted Dr. Carlos, and Appropriate Use Criteria is one of the early tools that may help radiologists cross the threshold into value.

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