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BioMax XAR Film

A general purpose film suitable for both radioisotopes and chemiluminescence, BioMax XAR Film is a double emulsion (T-Grain technology) autoradiography film for use with all commonly used isotopes and chemiluminescence labels.  The film is coated with emulsion on both sides of a clear base, and is suitable for both direct autoradiography and exposures made with intensifying screens, including BioMax intensifying screens.

Film Dealer Locator 

  • Features
  • Options


BioMax Autoradiography Performance Guide 


Maximum Sensitivity 

High Resolution / High Sensitivity 

Maximum Resolution 

High-energy isotopes
(i.e., 32P and 125I)

BioMax TranScreen HE Screen / BioMax MS film

BioMax TranScreen LE Screen / BioMax MS Film

BioMax MR film

Low and medium energy isotopes
(i.e., 3H, 14C, 35S, 45Ca, 33P, 59Fe)

BioMax TranScreen LE Screen / BioMax MS film


BioMax MR film


BioMax TranScreen LE Screen / BioMax MS film*


BioMax TranScreen LE Screen / BioMax MS film*


BioMax Light film


BioMax Light film

*Radioactive particles must be accessible to the screen.
