
B. Quentin Lilly

B. Quentin Lilly


B. Quentin Lilly 在全球主要市场拥有广泛的战略、运营、财务、商业和收购相关经验和成就,并且有能力在全球范围内建立、发展和优化团队、系统、基础设施、客户群体,以及规模化制造和供应链运营。

Quentin 目前是 Reconext, Inc. 的董事会成员,该公司在向技术和通信部门提供售后再加工、测试和逆向物流服务方面具有全球领先地位。同时,他还是多元化投资控股公司 Pacific Metals & Mfg.Co. 的董事会成员。

Quentin 在进入 Reconext, Inc. 的董事会之前,已经在 Technicolor Home Entertainment Services 工作了 27 年。他的上一份工作是在上市公司 Technicolor S.A. 任总裁,不仅是其执行委员会成员,还是该公司的战略顾问,在 2020 年 3 月至 2021 年 3 月期间,为 Technicolor S.A. 的执行管理层和董事会提供战略、商业和运营支持。

在被任命为总裁之前,Quentin 曾经担任过包括企业发展高级副总裁和首席运营官在内的职位,所担职责随职级提升而不断增加。

1994 年加入 Technicolor 之前,Quentin 曾在 Smith Barney 和 Crowell, Weedon & Co. 的公司金融/资本市场部门工作 10 余年。

Quentin 毕业于圣路易斯-奥比斯波的加利福尼亚理工州立大学,在校主修金融专业,拥有工商管理学士学位。

Robert J. Marshall, Jr.

Robert J. Marshall, Jr.

Lantheus Holdings, Inc. 首席财务官兼财务主管

Robert J. Marshall, Jr. 加入公司之时,已在并购、资本市场和投资关系等方面累积了 30 多年金融经验。

自 2018 年至今,Bob 一直担任 Lantheus(NASDAQ:LNTH)的首席财务官兼财务主管。

加入 Lantheus 之前,Bob 在 Zimmer Biomet Holdings, Inc.(NYSE:ZBH)工作了 16 年,这是一家在肌肉骨骼健康领域处于领先地位的全球医疗器械公司。他曾担任多个高级领导职务,包括投资者关系副总裁和公司财务主管,以及最近担任的美洲金融副总裁,负责美国、加拿大和拉丁美洲商业市场。

加入 Zimmer Biomet 之前,Bob 效力于 Brown & Williamson Tobacco,该公司是 British American Tobacco, p.l.c 设于肯塔基州路易斯维尔市的子公司。

Bob 拥有印第安纳大学南本德分校的工商管理硕士学位和圣母大学金融工商管理学士学位。此外,Bob 还拥有 CFA 称号。

Chris Yamamoto

Chris Yamamoto

Bioventus 企业发展与战略高级副总裁

Chris Yamamoto 在医疗技术、生命科学和工业领域拥有 20 年的并购、战略和投资经验,至今完成了多笔交易,总价值超过 500 亿美元。

Chris 目前是整形外科和再生医学公司 Bioventus 的企业发展与战略高级副总裁,负责战略、业务发展、整合、市场准入、报销、定价和市场洞察等集团职能。

加入 Bioventus 之前,Chris 是 Becton Dickinson 的副总裁兼企业发展常务董事。在 Becton Dickinson 任职期间,Chris 通过两次大规模收购,执行了近 30 项嵌入型收购和股权投资,并剥离了若干非核心业务,在公司转型中发挥了重要作用。

在 Becton Dickinson 就职之前,Chris 曾任 The Blackstone Group 副总裁。Chris 还曾在 Fox Paine、Thoma Cressey、UBS Investment Bank 和其他机构任职。

Chris 拥有威廉姆斯学院的经济学学士学位。

Todd Clegg

Todd M. Clegg

Chief Executive Officer

Todd Clegg is the Chief Executive Officer at Carestream Health, Inc.

Todd is an experienced executive, investor and board member with two decades of experience helping lead organizations through periods of growth, innovation and transition. Prior to joining Carestream, he was a Managing Director of Onex Corporation where he covered financial services, healthcare and tech-enabled services. At Onex, he oversaw a team of individuals responsible for sourcing, overseeing, growing, and exiting control investments in private companies. Over his 17 years at Onex, he was responsible for 14 platform company investments representing over $7 billion of invested equity and more than a hundred add-on investments and financings.

Prior to Onex, Todd was an investment banker at JPMorgan. 

Todd is a current board member of Carestream Health, Lannett, QualTek Services and The Goddard Center. He is a prior board member of Wealth Enhancement Group, OneDigital, Sedgwick Claims Management, Ryan Specialty Group, Convex Group, York Risk Services, USI, The Warranty Group and the Stanley Isaacs Center.

Todd graduated from the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School of Business and lives in New York City.

Robert VanHees

Robert VanHees

Chief Financial and Administrative Officer of WCG

Robert VanHees is the Chief Financial and Administrative Officer of WCG. In this dual role, Robert leads WCG global financial and human capital operations.

Robert joined WCG after spending five years at ProQuest, a global leader in education technology, where he served as President and Chief Financial Officer. Prior to ProQuest, he was with JLL Partners, a private equity firm, where he was an Operating Partner for five years, partnering with management to oversee strategy and operations of a variety of portfolio companies. He also served as CFO of the Learning Care Group, a childcare and early education provider. Earlier in his career, he was CFO for Corporate Express North America and Corporate Express Europe, served as a Controller, and held several roles in financial planning and analysis, treasury, and audit functions.

Robert holds a bachelor ’s degree in Accounting and Finance and a master’s degree in Business Administration and Management, both from Michigan State University.