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Film Solutions for Oncology

Carestream Health's Oncology film solutions meet the needs of radiation therapy departments. Based on Carestream's oncology films, screens, cassettes specifically designed for oncology imaging.

Film Systems
Oncology EC Film for Localization and Verification
Provides more than 3 times improvement in contrast over conventional oncology x-ray systems and exceptional definition of bony structures for more confident verification of treatment fields.

Oncology Simulation Film for Radiation Oncology 
Provides wide exposure latitude and excellent image quality even when exposure settings are difficult to control, and better visualization of the full range of anatomical landmarks.

Oncology Portal Pack for Localization Imaging 
Available in READY-PACK Packaging―light-tight envelopes containing film that can be used with or without a metal screen cassette.

Oncology EDR2 Film & Ready Pack Film
Designed for monitoring and evaluation of exposures at therapy energies in radiation oncology; in READY-PACK Packaging.

Contact Us at Carestream Health
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Chemicals, Replenishers and Developers

Chemicals, developers and fixers for Carestream Medical Films