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ISO 14001 Environmental Management System Certification

The company’s multi-site corporate ISO 14001 Environmental Management System is certified by TUV Rheinland, of North America, Inc.   These ISO standards are used to certify that company’s chemically intensive manufacturing operations are being managed according to acceptable management systems (documentation, training, records management, corrective action, preventative action, response to customer inquiries, management reviews, internal audits, environmental goals, etc.).

ISO 14001:2015 "Scope" Statement

The following statement represents how Carestream defines the physical and organizational boundaries to which the environmental management system applies: 

The Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) Management System applies to all Carestream operations. There are three Carestream manufacturing operations in the United States and one in Mexico that are chemically intensive and specifically included under the multi-site ISO 14001 Environmental Management System (EMS) certification. These operations include manufacturing of Medical Solutions, Dental Media, Non-Destructive Testing Products, Advanced Materials and Contract Manufacturing. Distribution activities that support these operations are also included in the EMS focus.